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Air conditioning and heat pumps for the hospitality sector: Five top tips!

For any business operating in the hospitality sector, the comfort of your customers will be of paramount importance, so having the right heating system in place is essential.


Having an efficient heating system is fundamental to operating a successful hospitality business and fortunately NADACH is on hand to provide you with the support you need to ensure your system is working effectively.


In our latest blog, we’ll take you through the tops tips for maximising your heat pump and air conditioning systems so that your customers can enjoy their visit in full comfort.



Optimise the location of heating units

It’s important that you ensure that any air conditioning or heat pump units are located in areas of your building where they can circulate air throughout the room, effectively.


This will help ensure even cooling or heating within the room, which will not only leave guests feeling comfortable but also minimise energy waste, something that is particularly crucial amid high energy costs.



Use programmable thermostats

If you’re looking to really maximise the potential of your heating units and limit their energy wastage, then a programmable thermostat is an ideal solution that can really save your business money.


By installing this kind of thermostat, you can control when the heating or hot water goes off and when it comes back on, meaning you can avoid unnecessary energy consumption when your building is not in use and set temperatures strategically during opening hours.



Regular maintenance

Scheduling regular maintenance for your heating systems with our professionals will ensure that they can operate at peak efficiency. Clogged filters, dirty coils, or low refrigerant levels are symptomatic of poorly maintained systems and these issues can reduce their efficiency.


Inefficient units will ultimately lead to higher, and ultimately avoidable, energy bills.


Regular maintenance means our engineers will be able to spot any issues early on and address them quickly which will help to extend the heating system’s lifespan and prevent more significant and costly problems from occurring further down the line.



Upgrade old systems

If your unit is more than 10 years old, then it’s definitely worth upgrading. Older systems tend to be less energy efficient and have a higher carbon footprint than newer models, which is both financially costly for your business but also environmentally damaging.


By upgrading to a new air conditioning or heat pump unit you can make significant savings on energy costs and reduce your impact on the planet.


UK hospitality businesses are subject to various regulations regarding energy efficiency and environmental impact but by upgrading to a more energy-efficient system, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you’re fully compliant with these regulations, meaning you can avoid fines and penalties.



Choose the right system for your business needs

Before you look at installing, replacing or upgrading your air conditioning or heat pump units, its important that you look at which systems will best meet the needs of your business.


Factors such as room size, the number of windows and ceiling height will all influence the type of unit you’ll need for your business but fortunately our heating professionals can help you determine the appropriate system.


Additonally, don’t be put off by the price, while energy-efficient units may have a higher upfront cost, they can save you money in the long run by reducing energy bills and maintenance costs.



NADACH: The ideal solution for your heating needs

Our specialist heating engineers can offer you a full, bespoke design and installation service for air conditioning units, whether floor, ceiling or wall mounted.


We also offer full installation and maintenance service for heat pump systems, whether for heating radiators, underfloor or swimming pools.


If you’re interested in our renewable heating installation services or air conditioning systems, get in touch with a member of our team today.

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